It seems that we are never content with what we have. I know that this is not a new sentiment and that people have been saying this since time immemorial. I suppose even the early cave people would have complained of having either too much sun or not enough sun. Too much of anything is bad for us and leads to all sorts of problems. Too much food will lead to obesity and then too much fat will lead to many different diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease. The same thing happens with too much money, we tend to become selfish and greedy, leading to a breakdown in relations and a lot of heartache. This is why we are taught that all should always do everything in moderation, even things which are good for us such as exercise and sleep. You would not think that too much exercise could be bad for you, but it can lead to problems if you become obsessed and lose too much body fat. The same goes for getting too much sleep. We are all taught that sleep is good for us as this is when the body does its repairs and recuperation. However, too much sleep will lead to disorientation and headaches, especially if it is not a regular habit of yours to sleep |
too much.
Even when it comes to our appearance and our self confidence we can have similar problems. If we are too self- assured we will come across as arrogant and set people against us, and if we lack self confidence then we come across as being too shy or even dense. You just cannot win. With our appearance, there is so much that we are not happy with and that we wish to change. There are very few people in the world who are totally happy with the way that they look and to be honest, I have never met a single one, even though I have met a lot of people in my life through my travels and work.
Let us take the simple example of hair. This may be an innocuous subject but it can cause a lot of problems for a lot of people. There are those people who have too much hair and wish that they had lees. This is usually hair on the body and face, but even hair on the head can be a problem if it is too thick to manage or too curly to keep tidy. This is where people will have laser hair removal treatments (on the body and face, not head!).
The opposite side of the coin is those people who suffer from hair loss and this is usually from the head, leading to total or partial baldness. This can be rectified with the cosmetic surgery procedure of having a hair transplant. Both of these conditions can be equally distressing and leave the person feeling upset and helpless.
Even when it comes to our appearance and our self confidence we can have similar problems. If we are too self- assured we will come across as arrogant and set people against us, and if we lack self confidence then we come across as being too shy or even dense. You just cannot win. With our appearance, there is so much that we are not happy with and that we wish to change. There are very few people in the world who are totally happy with the way that they look and to be honest, I have never met a single one, even though I have met a lot of people in my life through my travels and work.
Let us take the simple example of hair. This may be an innocuous subject but it can cause a lot of problems for a lot of people. There are those people who have too much hair and wish that they had lees. This is usually hair on the body and face, but even hair on the head can be a problem if it is too thick to manage or too curly to keep tidy. This is where people will have laser hair removal treatments (on the body and face, not head!).
The opposite side of the coin is those people who suffer from hair loss and this is usually from the head, leading to total or partial baldness. This can be rectified with the cosmetic surgery procedure of having a hair transplant. Both of these conditions can be equally distressing and leave the person feeling upset and helpless.